Tuesday 11 February 2014

Print based Advertising-Narrative ghd

  • You will apply narrative theory to relevant texts 

Key words: Intertextual, connotations, implies, equilibrium.

Red Riding Hood. GHD. Analysis:

GHD are a brand of hair and beauty tools. The ad agency RKDR produced a cross platform ad campaign called Twisted Fairy Tales. The campaign consisted of print based ads and an audio visual ad which was broadcast during the final of X-Factor 2010.
the ads depict traditional, Brothers Grimm, fairy tales subverted to create ideologies of female strength, independence and power.

Red Riding Hood is in control of her life.
She is a strong, tough, independent role model for the target audience of young girls. 
This is shown through; 
Costume. Black leather boots and gloves. 
We see that this is a girl who is in control. 
Facial expression. The girl looks confident.
Colour; bright red is an intertextual reference and implies the importance of the female.
Direct mode of address and body language implies confidence. A key value to attract the young, aspirational, female target audience.
Graphics remind us old fairy tales books. This has connotations of permanence as they have been around for a long time. Also makes us feel that the ad is as important as fairy tales were to us when we were children.

Use of Intertextuality draws upon familiar fairy tale requiring knowledge of the Little Red Riding Hood narrative. However, the ending has been rewritten to show an empowered hero rather than a passive victim.
Composition and lighting means the female is defined as heroic antagonist rather than the victim.
The girl is holding an axe and we can see a dead wolf in the shot. There has been a reinstatement of equilibrium and the hero has fought off an outside challenge from the antagonist.
Setting is an intertextual reference to the isolated woods, however it is no longer a threatening environment due to the use of GHD products.
Binary opposition can be seen; the woods with/without GHD.


Task 1:
Analyse and annotate the text shown below.
Focus specifically on the key concepts of representation and narrative.
You need to link to visual and technical codes.
Consider the key values that are promoted by the GHD brand. 

Do this as an assessment task on a Word document and e-mail to Mr Ealey as an attachment at the end of the lesson. Task to be carried out quietly in exam conditions.

This is what an annotated text looks like: