Sunday 16 March 2014


Read this example adapted from a students response to the task you have completed. We will discuss this in class this week.

 Representation of Age Waterloo Road clip. 

 Within TV drama, age is often very stereotyped, with teenagers often being portrayed as disruptive and disrespectful ‘asbo’ types who go around in hoodies causing chaos. The elderly are often portrayed as being grumpy, weak, stubborn, shabbily dressed and unable to use technology. In this clip, the stereotype of typical teenagers is maintained and the characters have been constructed to fit this categorisation with the aid of mise-en-scene, sound, camera angles and editing.

The first indication of age in the clip is with the mise en scene of the setting, clearly that of a school; a place associated with children, the bright yellow walls and busy displays connoting the bright youthful environment as opposed to a boring black and white office block for adults. A confirmation of the children’s age is the fact they are dressed in school uniform with short ties and short skirts representing teenagers as being rebellious and disobedient.

Young people are often desperate to stand out as individuals and do this by breaking rules and disrespecting the authority of the teachers who can be said to be dressed smartly and in a boring way. For example Grantly in his tweed suit, an amplification of his old age through the stereotypical use of the dull colours and the symbolism that he too is now dull and stubborn and boring.

In contrast, one of the younger female teachers is shown as being more youthful by wearing a vibrant pink top. Depicting her as an adult and professional, with the formal clothing, whilst still incorporating an essence of her younger age. In later a scene where the fat teacher decides to have a new image and dressed in trainers and wild top, his older age is emphasized by the fact he appears so out of place and ridiculous. He’s presented to the audience in a humorous manner and this represents the idea of only the young being able to get away and fit with this ‘cool’ and casual image, also that adults just can’t wear this ‘ghetto’ style. The old and young are shown as being divided in the fashion world. The establishing shot of this clip is a close up low shot of some brown shoes walking past chair legs. The zoomed in approach amplifies the significance of the feet and allows the audience to establish the accentuated slow and almost suspicious walk.

The cut to a two shot of some teenage boys links the separate frames and connotes that these boys are being shifty and are up to no good, hence the accentuated approach of the teacher. This represents teenagers as being trouble makers and likely to ignore the rules and act inappropriately. The close up of student and teacher's faces in two shot, emphasizes the boy’s youthful appearance and uniform, and acts as a direct comparison to that of the teacher clearly far older and more wrinkled. The mid shot of all three characters together allows the audience to determine the body language between them and we can see the two boys appear to be standing with their heads down avoiding eye contact, while the teacher has his hands casually in his pockets and head tilted to them in an authoritative and almost patronising manner. From this age is represented as the older population having authority and control over the younger characters, and that older people can enjoy the power they have and almost revel in it. The use of panning shots are used further in the clip when the large teacher is trying out a new look and the camera pans from his trainers up to his head. This shot is used to create momentary confusion and suspense as to who the shoes actually belong to and contradicts the audiences’ preconceptions of the expected character.

The trainers and clothing are items associated with that of a young teenager however it is the teacher wearing them. The use of this shot highlights how out of place the teacher is in his outfit, simply because of his age, and suggest there are socially acceptable difference and norms between age groups. The use of sound contributes to the representation of age with the use of dialogue. Within the first scene we are able to establish the relationship between students and teacher with the use of the term ‘Sir’ indicating a level of respect between the older and younger characters and the authoritative role the adults play. Age is represented as a hierarchy, the adults having the most control and importance with the children and students least.

The way in which the character Grantly uses the very direct order ‘Give it!’ also connotes his more powerful position because the students are forced to obey him. His subsequent ‘tuts’ at the kids in a patronising way also connotes his demeaning behaviour and his lack of respect for the children, emphasized with him saying ‘Oh did he hold your hair?’ The older age group are represented at this point as being disrespectful to the young and can sometimes abuse their position as authoritative figures.

The diegetic noise in the corridor scene sets an environment of liveliness and busyness, reflecting the vibrant and energetic age group. There is also the introduction of non-diegetic club like music in this scene, which is synchronous with the following fight that begins with two students. The upbeat and fast paced song is appropriate to the age of the characters as it is in a style associated with their age group and is also relevant to the building pace of the scene. The music also amplifies the significant of the fight and represents teenagers as being rowdy and aggressive. Slang is used by the student’s repeatedly throughout the clip and whilst reflecting background also relates to their youth and suggests that it is common place within a younger age group (e.g. d’ya hear me/ d’know) This can connote both their ignorance and determination to break rules and be individuals, whilst wishing to separate themselves from the adults.

Editing in this clip plays a vital role in the representation of age. In the first scene fasting cutting between the two teenage boys heightens the tension and anticipation and accentuates the boy’s sneaky behaviour. Representing the young as shifty and misbehaving. The use of shot-reverse shot between Grantly and the female teacher links their points of views and allows the audience to witness her reaction to the fact she forgot to buy insurance. From this we establish the similar roles and hierarchy even between adults and the guiding role the older age group play towards younger adults. The use of cross cutting between scenes such as that of the busy corridor, to the calm classroom and back to Amy and the fight creates a direct comparison of the parallel action. These two scenes contrast the teenagers behaviour while unsupervised where they appear raucous and start fights, and then supervised within the classroom where they are almost silent and composed.

This represents the young as unable to mediate their own behaviour, and that they behave in an inappropriate manner without the presents of an older person, it also suggests that the young look to the older age groups for guidance and support, as the teacher is asked to help

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