Tuesday 2 September 2014

Textual Investigation 2 Planning

Textual Investigation 2

  • You will look at examples of high scoring textual investigations and their structure
Key words: 400-850 words. Structure.

Textual Investigation 2 Research

Textual Investigation 2
  • Choosing a text.
Key words: 400-850 words. Appropriate texts.

Finalisiation of Production Evaluation

  • You will be instructed on how to maximise marks from the final part of your production coursework. The evaluation. Deadline for Production Evaluations
Key words: Evaluation. Discursive. Plan. Compare.

Production Evaluation

  • You will evaluate a sample of exemplar work based on WJEC marking criteria.
Key words: Evaluation. Discursive. Plan. Compare.

Approach to Production Evaluation

  • You will be instructed on how to maximise marks from the final part pf your production coursework. The evaluation.
Key words: Evaluation. Discursive. Plan. Compare.

Between now and Christmas, you will work on your productions as well as learning about the key concepts of Media Studies.
When you have completed your production you will need to evaluate it.
Your evaluation is worth 10 marks.
Within the evaluation, the following areas need to be explained:

Have you met your aims and purposes?

How have you used the appropriate codes and conventions of your chosen texts?
For example, if you have produced a CD cover and insert, does it look like existing products?

Have you used representations and stereotypes?
For example, if you have produced a CD cover and insert, have you considered how how to represent the new band's style of music through the use of images, the name of the band, the font, the colours?

Have you used narrative?
For example can the characters be related to Propp?
Can the story arc be related to Todorov?
Have you used a linear or a circular narrative?

Does the work appeal to and engage the audience and users?
Did you consider Uses and gratifications theory?
Is the text for a mass or a niche audience?
What age group is the text for?

What organisational issues are raised by the text?
For example, how will your CD be marketed and distributed?

Task one:
Write how you hope to evaluate your production.
Title: Production evaluation outline.

Show evidence of knowledge of genre, representation and narrative.
State where genre will be used in your text: Iconography. Mise en scene. Visual codes. Technical codes.
State where representation will be used in your text: Stereotypes used. Rep of youth etc
State where narrative theory will be used in your text: Todorov. Propp.

Show an understanding of audiences: Primary. Secondary. Mass. Niche. Uses and gratifications. NRS.

Demonstrate that you have researched other similar texts.
Use media terminology. Denotations, connotations, implies.

400 words - orange books - classwork.
Note: Bullet points are fine. Use illustrations where required.

Continuation of Production. Progress table. Image manipulation.

You will be encouraged to maximise your marks through advice and feedback on your Approach to Continuation of Production.

Task 1:

You have all made good progress on 

  • Textual Investigation # 1 which is based on the concept of genre.
  • Research for your productions (between 2 and 4 pieces of work)
  • Planning for production (between 2 and 4 pieces of work)
You will each receive feedback this week on the progress of your coursework.

In preparation for this you will organise a state of play list.

Task 1: 
Create a Word document as set out below:

Year 11 GCSE Media Studies

Coursework review and plan


Is this complete and in your folder?












Word Count?
Textual Investigation 1

Textual Investigation 2

Print this out once complete and keep in your orange folder.


  • You will consider how young people of both genders are exposed to unreal body images in the Media today.
  • Key Terms: Stereotype, Photoshop, Size zero, Self confidence, image manipulation 
Many texts use celebrities to endorse their products but the images that the public see on posters and ads etc have been manipulated using digital software called Photoshop.
There are many arguments both for and against image manipulation in the media by the public.

Photo retouching makes it possible to beef up a man's physique or give a woman a wasp waist. The resulting images of models in magazines present impossible ideals for people. Here are some of the attributes that get manipulated:

Here are some images of celebrities before and after Photoshop treatment:

Task 1:
Look at this link to a 'Photoshop Hall of Shame' and write a bullet point list in your orange books. Use the heading:

Essentially, “the feminine ideal is...
You should list all the elements of the female celebrity that are manipulated to create an 'ideal'

Task 2:
Same task but for men. 
Use the heading:
Essentially, “the masculine ideal...
You should list all the elements of the male celebrity that are manipulated to create an 'ideal'

Adobe Photoshop CS6

Below is a link to a guide to the toolbox in Photoshop:


Photoshop Tutorial 1:


Magic Wand Tool


Blur Tool

Clone Stamp Tool

Task 3: Open the images below in PS and manipulate the images using the tools we have covered to conform with feminine/ masculine ideals.

These images can also be found in Student share/Media/X_images

Save the manipulated images in your Media Studies home area in a folder called Photoshop.