Thursday 20 November 2014

Narrative theory - Barthes

Learning Objective: You will apply Barthes' codes theory to a video clip.

Key words: Codes, Enigma, Action, Polysemic.

Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes has argued that every narrative has multiple codes. Typical features are used in narrative but can have several different meanings and interpretations depending on the viewer's life experience.
These meanings are suggested by Barthes five codes. 
Two of which you should be concerned with at this stage. Action code and enigma code.

Barthes argues that every narrative is interwoven with multiple codes. 
Any text is, in fact, marked by the multiple meanings suggested by the five codes.

Barthes theory on Media-Codes is important to us in structural terms as well as helping us to consider the positioning of audiences.

The Hermeneutic Code (or Enigma code): This refers to any element of the story that is not fully explained and which creates questions that need to be answered. The purpose is typically to keep the audience guessing until the part of the text when all is revealed, loose ends are tied off and the questions are answered.
 Most stories hold back details in order to increase the effect of the final revelation.

An example of an enigma, as set out by Barthes.

The Proairetic Code (Action code) This builds tension; any action or event that suggests something else is about to happen. An action that prompts the reader to predict what will happen next and will result in increased interest and excitement.
For example, a gunslinger draws his gun on an adversary and we wonder what the resolution of this action will be. We wait to see if he kills his opponent or is wounded himself. Suspense is thus created by action rather than by a reader's or a viewer's wish to have mysteries explained.

The Cultural Code This code refers to anything that is founded on some kind of recognised principle that is not challenged by the audience and is always assumed to be the truth. Normally this involves either science or religion.

For example ,  in Quentin Tarantino's production of Pulp Fiction, a religious speech is quoted by Samuel.L.Jackson's hit man character Jules right before he kills another character. The quote is from the bible and is as follows:

‘and I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.’

This quote uses Barthes' cultural code as the words within such as ‘vengeance’ and ‘execute’ only have connotations of violence and death. Jules proceeds to kill the secondary character.
What Barthes is trying to explain by the cultural code is that when using symbols from certain areas such as religion or science, only one connotation can be understood and is used within a production.

Task 1:
Watch the trailer for the Crime Drama Seven and write down as many of Barthes'codes as you can identify.
Use the handout provided.

Task 2:  Homework. To be submitted 12.12.14
Watch the Ed Sheeran video A Team and apply Barthes codes.

Year 11 GCSE Media Studies


Barthes codes theory applied to a video clip of the trailer Seven

Action in trailer
Barthes’ Code


Barthes codes applied to the Ed Sheerin video A Team

Action in video
Barthes’ Code

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