Wednesday 15 January 2014

Music Industry - Narrative: Video analysis sheet.


Task 1 

Use a grid like the ones below to analyse your chosen music video. Remember you need to analyse how shot types, camerawork, Mise en Scene, editing, intertextuality and representation are used to make the video appeal to the target audience. Don’t describe what you see, analyse how it’s being presented to you.
Take screenshots from the video to illustrate your analysis and use a website like to find the lyrics. Write the lyric that matches the screenshot below it. If it’s a musical break then describe it, for
example, ‘Drum solo and guitar feedback’. In the section called ‘Shot type and movement’ describe what the frame is and if the camera is still or moving then analyse the effect of this. In the box labelled ‘analysis’ you need to look at everything you see in the screenshot and talk about why it’s there and how it appeals to an audience.
For the box marked ‘Edits’ you should note what sort of edit or transition is used.
There’s an example below.

MUSIC VIDEO ANALYSIS Rolo Tomassi – Party Wounds

SHOT TYPE AND MOVEMENT: Tracking shot shows whole room in long shot but over the shoulder mid-shot of the drummer makes audience feel part of the band.

The LS shows the instruments which suggest a rock genre. This is supported by the clothing of the band and audience. There’s no distance or separation between these two either which connotes a closeness which would appeal to an indie/rock audience. The location is the hall seen in the establishing shot and is decorated in a sparse way, this supports the stripped down and uncomplicated music. The lighting is also muted and the colours are limited giving a smoky look like the sort of live venue this audience understands. There’s an element of intertextuality in that it looks similar to the video for Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit, a favourite of this target audience.

MUSIC/LYRICS ‘Smashed glass proceedings, wide open party wounds’
EDIT: Cuts to next shot at the end of the tracking shot, quite aggressive which matches the music.

Remember – Don’t just describe. You need to analyse the effect it has too. Always try and link it back to how it appeals to audience.

Shot types and camera movement


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