Thursday 15 January 2015

17 Campaign Analysis - Irn Bru (Assessment task)

Learning Objectives: 
To explore the Irn-Bru campaign and website identifying interactivity available to the user.

Key words: Campaign, brand, word of mouth, influencer, ASA, user

A campaign.
This is run by an advertising agency, in the case of Irn Bru the Leith Agency ran the campaign.
A campaign is a sequence of advertisements for a product and links the packaging, radio, TV, print and Internet adverts.

Irn Bru is a product and a brand that has been around for a long time and has lots of competition from other soft drinks. The Leith Agency was employed to run a new campaign and a new image in order to re-launch Irn Bru and attract a new audience.

The aim of the campaign was to celebrate Scottish people's ability to see the positive in difficult and embarrassing situations.

The genre is soft drinks advertising. The aim of the campaign is to persuade the audience to buy an established brand rather than a supermarket one.
The adverts in the campaign each have a short, funny, linear narrative involving a potentially difficult family situation.

The problem or disruption is introduced at the beginning.
In the Steamy Windows advert, a young boy comes home to catch his Mum in an embarrassing situation.

In New Boyfriend a young woman brings her new English boyfriend home to meet her (very) Scottish Father. In each of the adverts the situation is made better when the person takes a drink of Irn Bru. This is an attempt to repair the disruption or problem.

In Mum, a teenager arrives home with his friends and his Mum discusses her new push up bra. The boys embarrassment is reduced each time he takes a drink of Irn Bru.
The drink is not glamourised in the narrative it is just seen to restore the equilibrium and the ending is a happy one.

There are a range of representations constructed in the campaign including that of national identity.
The New Fella advert was said to be anti English by some audiences in the way it represents the reactions of the Father to the English boyfriend.
Other representations seen in the campaign are gender and teenagers.
The representation of teenagers is quite realistic, they are seen to be relatively ordinary, they are part of a family and are embarrassed by their parents.

Advertisements themselves are promotional but they also need to be promoted.
The Leith Agency used a range of strategies to make sure the adverts were seen.
Agencies that are targeting young people will use the platforms most popular with them, Internet and mobile phone technology.
For the Irn Bru Pink Bomb advert they used these stages of marketing, the most important being word of mouth.

  • 1st Stage: The YouTube link Tweeted by a fan of the brand.
  • 2nd Stage: 100,000 views in 24 hours thanks to some co-ordinated influencer activity.[Influencer is where the marketing of a product or service focusses on key people who will influence others into buying the product-possibly a well known celebrity will mention the ad in a tweet or an interview].
  • 3rd Stage: 650,000 views over 3 weeks as a result of spreading the word across different platforms.
  • 4th Stage: The television launch of the advert.
In less than a month there were over a million views and the link continued to be shared across Twitter. Three weeks after the initial Tweet the ad was aired in high profile television spots such as The European football championships. This generated an additional 300,000 YouTube views in 48 hours and triggered hundreds of additional mentions of the link on Twitter.

The Ad industry is regulated by the ASA, the Advertising Standards Authority. Its aim is to ensure that;
  • No-one is offended by an advert.
  • That they are shown at the appropriate time
  • That they are legal and honest and decent and truthful.

Ordinary members of the public can complain about an advert and the ASA must investigate the complaint.
Several complaints were made about the Irn Bru adverts.

Task 1: 
Using the handout provided write why you think there may have been complaints about these ads.

A key element of the Irn Bru campaign is its website. Here users can view the campaign but also engage with the product in a range of other ways that make the brand memorable. This form of advertising has become more popular recently, particularly with a younger audience who spend less time watching television and more time on the Internet. The Irn Bru site is very interactive and encourages the audience to become involved with the promotion of the product.

Task 2: Homework.
Explore the website for Irn-Bru
Here you can also view the audio visual and print advertisements for the whole campaign.

Using the handout provided; what activities and opportunities are available to the user?

Who is the audience for this product and how have they been targeted by the advertisements?

How does this website help to promote the product?

Year 11 Written task success criteria

Knowledge of the concept of genre/narrative/representation

Awareness of relevant theories

Demonstrates knowledge of the convergent nature of contemporary media

Use of media terminology/key words

Quality of written communication

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