Saturday 7 December 2013

Media Organisations, Marketing and Promotion - Celebrity Endorsement

Why a Celebrity Endorsement?
Traditionally, companies hired celebrity endorsers not to increase revenue but to add value to their company, brand or product. Society is notorious for looking up to celebrities and in some cases, idolizing them and their lives. In turn, when celebrities associate themselves with a product or brand, their followers or fan-base want to be a part of it, resulting in what psychologists refer to as a meaning transfer.

“I think Taylor Swift is extremely talented and cool therefore the company she’s endorsing must be great too.”
In addition to meaning transfer, celebrities are commonly used as endorsers for their credibility. When properly chosen, smart business savvy celebrities can become excellent endorsers of products or companies and because they are viewed as knowledgeable and trustworthy, the endorsed in turn become credible.

“George Clooney has made some very informed and passionate investments in the past – I trust his judgement if he says this is a company to follow closely.”

Influence Consumer Purchases
The affinity consumers have for certain celebrities can greatly influence their purchases. People may have the attitude, "If the product is good enough for her, it's good enough for me." This philosophy is often the impetus behind advertisements for makeup, skin creams, hair products and attire. Consumers want the wavy hair of a local celebrity, for example. Hence, they purchase the brand that the celebrity uses to achieve her hair's fullness and bounce. Local consumers may also desire the same soft drink as their team's best baseball player. Essentially, the testimonial of the local celebrity adds instant credibility to a small company's product.

Build Awareness
Celebrities in advertising build brand awareness, according to "Supermarket News," a publication covering the food distribution industry. And they build it much more quickly than traditional types of advertising. Brand awareness measures the percentage of people who are familiar with a particular brand. Small businesses spend lots of money and time for exposure to incrementally increase brand awareness among consumers. The use of a local celebrity can do much to enhance consumers' awareness and understanding of what a small business offers.

Position a Brand
Some small companies use celebrities in advertising to position their brands. Product positioning is placing a company's products in the best possible light in the minds of a target group, according to For example, a small investment firm may use a well-respected and retired local disc jockey to market a retirement plan for people ages 50 and over. The fact that the disc jockey falls in the consumers' age group and has a good reputation in the community makes the company's product and message more believable.

Attract New Users
One challenge small companies face is finding new users for their products. Local celebrities in advertising appeal to customers as well as those who have never tried the brand. The latter may be users of competitive brands. However, those who continually see the local celebrity in a commercial for a certain product may be convinced to try the product.
Breathe Life Into Failing Brand
The use of a celebrity in an advertisement may also help to breathe life into a failing brand. For example, a small soap manufacturer might think about dropping a brand or product, especially if production and overhead costs are leaving little or no profit. However, the use of a celebrity to tout the benefits of the brand could help create new interest and excitement in consumers.

Task 1: Analyse the celebrity endorsed products and consider these key elements.

Facial expression: How would you describe the expression on the model’s face? Are they looking directly at you or at something else?
What feelings does the facial expression conjure up?

Character type: How does the choice of character sum up the product or the message of the ad?

Gesture or Posture: What does the posture say to the viewer about the model?

Props: What connotations does each prop produce?

Clothing: Each article of clothing has been selected after consideration. What message is being sent by clothing?

Setting: What connotations does the setting conjure up?

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