Thursday 30 April 2015

3. Print advertising Lexus campaign

Learning objective: To consider the techniques used in a Lexus print ad.

Key terms:
Campaign: Run by an ad agency, this incorporates all the ways in which the product is promoted, e.g. packaging, radio, TV, Internet and print adverts.

Slogan: A catchy phrase that is memorable and thus becomes associated with the product.
Enigma: a mystery contained within the product that makes the audience curious
Colour scheme. Colours have connotations, black for instance suggests sophistication.
Product endorsement:  the use of celebrities, members of the public or experts to say how good the product is. If the endorser is admired and believable then the audience may be persuaded to buy the product. B&Q use their own staff to add credibility to their products.
Iconic representation: The actual image of the product appears in the advert to show the audience what it looks like. E.g. the image of a perfume bottle is usually featured in fragrance adverts.

Task 1: 
List the terms and their meanings above in your orange books.
Task 2: 
Work in pairs to list at least three of your favourite well known slogans 
('Just do It' is one we discussed before, below are some of my favourites).
"Guinness is good for you."
"Finger lickin' good."
"Because I'm worth it."
“Vorsprung durch Technik.”


Textual analysis

'A Quiet Revolution' is the 2011 campaign for Lexus, the car manufacturer, for the world's first hybrid luxury car.
The campaign uses Kylie Minogue to promote its product.
The aim of the campaign is to target a new audience of young drivers.

Task 1: 
Consider the techniques used in this advert.
Write a sentence or two in your orange books about the points raised below.

What does the slogan suggest?
SHHH...join the revolution suggests being part of something special and 'revolution' is emotive and suggests being at the forefront of something new. The features of this car will appeal to an audience with a social conscience because of the environmental aspects.

There is also an enigma as the audience is not given all the information about the product.

What can you say about the colour scheme? It is muted and suggests sophistication.

What are the connotations of the actual product (the car)? this also suggests sleekness and sophistication.

How will celebrity endorsement attract an audience? Who is the primary target audience?
The use of Kylie reinforces the aim of the campaign to attract a younger audience. She is attractive and her costume suggests sexuality this will appeal to a male audience.
However, she is also a role model for women through her involvement with cancer charities, this will broaden the audience appeal.

What can you say about the mode of address? The mode of address is direct and the finger at the lips is a feature of the campaign which is used in other formats promoting the product.
This suggests that Kylie is sharing a secret with the audience and Implies that the product is exclusive.

There is iconic representation so that the audience will recognise the product.

What is the unique selling point? The chance to win tickets to Kylie's tour. Lexus is the sponsor of the tour (cross format advertising

Task 3:
Analyse in pairs the print based ad below. Make notes then individually write 200 words on the text.
Choice of celebrity endorser, how would she appeal to audiences.
Visual codes - costume, facial exp. colour, body language, graphics.
Image manipulation (or lack of).
Mode of address
Technical codes
Iconic representation.

This is an assessment task so present your work neatly and put a heading Olay - Assessment task

Year 11 Written task success criteria

Knowledge of the concept of genre/narrative/representation

Awareness of relevant theories

Demonstrates knowledge of the convergent nature of contemporary media

Use of media terminology/key words

Quality of written communication

1 comment:

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