Thursday 23 April 2015

10 TV advertising

Learning objective: 
To analyse a TV commercial for Persil.

Television Advertising

The history of mass advertising and the history of television are closely intertwined. 
Without advertising, television would have made no headway in countries without a state sponsored broadcaster (mainly the US) and would certainly not be the instrument of mass communication it is today. 
Television advertising takes the form of tv commercials (often referred to as TVCs or spots) which are either 30 or 45 seconds long.
TVCs appear in gaps between and during regular programmes, known as commercial breaks. Advertisers buy time in specific breaks, knowing that their target audience must be the same as that of the programme during which the break occurs. 
Thus teen soaps have commercial breaks filled with pimple cream and music CD ads.

Task 1: Work in Pairs
Identify the target audience for the following programmes:
Consider The type of audience, Age, gender, Maslow, NRS, Uses and Gratification theory



  • The John Bishop Show (Stand up comedy with strong language and sexual content).
  • Great British Railway Journeys (Documentary series shows ex politician Michael Portillo traveling around the UK by train).
  • Holby City (Hospital drama in which the narrative deals with the relationships of the characters).

Task 2: Work in Pairs
Identify two or three products or services that might be advertised during the same programmes, bearing in mind the target audience that you have identified and the products or services that might appeal to them.

Advertisers may choose to sponsor a whole programme, which means their logo and a short identity clip accompany the beginning and end of a programme ("Brought to you by...") and their advertising may feature heavily in commercial breaks during that programme. This is controversial, as it is felt that sponsors may interfere in the content of the programme if it doesn't work in their favour.

Television advertising is under threat from platforms like Sky Plus, Virgin Tivo Box, and the phenomenon of "time-shifted" viewing. When you record a programme you tend to edit out the ad breaks when reviewing it later. 
The problem is, without the funding that selling commercial space provides, there would be no TV programmes to start with, so TV companies are very anxious about the long term changes in viewing habits.

Task 3: 
Watch the advert for Persil which is embedded below.

Task 4: 
Write down the shot types you can see and indicate why they have been used. 
Use time code and write in your orange books.

Task 5:
Complete the handout and submit by the end of the lesson.
Year 11 GCSE Media Pre exam Assessment task 2015-06-08

1. Write the connotations of these colours when used in advertising:
Green: ______________________________________________________________________
Blue: ________________________________________________________________________
Orange: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Why would high key lighting be used in an advertisement?

3. Write the visual codes that are used in media to get a message across about a product. _____________________________________________________________________

4. Name three possible parts of a print based advert _________________________________________________________________________________

5. Write down three persuasive techniques used in advertising and describe why they are used._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Why would these shot types used in advertising?
An up shot of a woman riding a motorbike______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A down shot of a homeless child____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
An extreme close up of a working man_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. What is non diegetic sound?_____________________________________________________________________________________

8. Todorov said that _____________________ narratives have a beginning, middle and an end. There are five stages to his theory, state them: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. How do advertisers categorise target audiences? Say what the different methods look for in an audience _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10.  Finish the sentence:
The ASA ensures that advertisements are___________________________________________________

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