Saturday 25 April 2015

8 Representation of stars and celebrities in the media

Learning Objective:
To discuss how celebrities are represented on magazine front pages.

Key terms:
Construction-The way in which the text is put together, for example the choice of font, headline or main image.

The words that go with the image. They give the image meaning.

Depending on the media text, stars and celebrities will be represented in different ways. Representation is an important media term and it means the way in which media texts, for example magazines, newspapers and television programmes, present people, events and issues.

The ways in which stars and celebrities are presented by different media texts will affect how the audience views and judges them. For example, the way in which magazines represent celebrities through their use of images, headlines and captions can have an effect on what the audience think about them.

When exploring how a particular star/celebrity is represented in a media text you will need to think about:

1. The way in which the media text is constructed:

How have technical codes like camera shots and editing been used to construct the text?

Does the construction give a positive or negative representation of the celebrity?

2. The way in which anchorage contributes to the representation:

How do the captions, headlines, language and mode of address used in the text contribute to the representation of the celebrity?

3. What ideas and messages are contained within the media text?

What does the text want the audience to think about the celebrity? How do you know this?

4. How will different audiences respond to the presentation of the celebrity?

What will affect the response?

Representation refers to the construction in the mass media of aspects of ‘reality’

Representations which become familiar through constant re-use come to feel 'natural' and unmediated. This is how stereotypes can become harmful and negative.

Richard Dyer proposes that:
A star is an image not a real person that is constructed (as any other aspect of fiction is) out of a range of materials (eg advertising, magazines etc as well as films).
Task 1: Write down the statement about stars that Richard Dyer made.

Why is the public attracted to celebrities?

There are at least three differing components to any celebrity’s persona:

1) The ‘real person’ - the personal identity that pre-exists the public’s perception of that celebrity.
2) The ‘screen presence’ – this is based on the characters or roles that the celebrity plays on screen (action hero, romantic comedian, girl-next-door)
3) The ‘public persona’ - what we come to know about a star or celebrity through newspapers, magazines, etc.

Three Faces of Victoria Beckham

Cause for concern or neurotic wife

Glamorous, Sexy Partner

Task 1:
Discuss how the images, construction and language are used to represent the celebrity Lindsay Lohan on these texts. Write in orange books. Use the points

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