Wednesday 29 April 2015

4. How advertisements target a new audience

Learning objective: 
Study the techniques advertisers use to attract audiences.
To create a print based ad mock up for a product which uses a slogan, images, persuasive language.

Key Terms:
  • Names, Getting this right is very important. The name of a new product may suggest something about the product's image. Jaguar for example.

  • Slogans, usually linked to something about the product and can be memorable. Sometimes they include a rhyme or suggest how the product may improve your life.

  • Logos, the small design used on all the promotional materials for the product. The audience will recognise it. In this Nike example for instance, the logo and the slogan are together. There is no clue to what the product actually is but the audience will recognise the brand and what it produces.

  • Endorsements,  This is when advertisers use celebrities or or ordinary members of the public to say how good the product is in the hope that this will persuade the audience to buy it. Everyday, consumable products like washing powders and DIY tend to be endorsed by ordinary people as audiences are more likely to believe that they actually know about the product. Celebrity endorsers can attract audiences to the product quickly as they are easily recognised. They may have a link to the product, for example a glamorous celebrity would be more likely to endorse an expensive brand. Kiera Knightly and Chanel.

  • Unique selling points. This is the part of the product that makes it different from another, similar product. This could be a new ingredient for a food or a new feature of a mobile phone.


A successful advertisement catches our attention and makes us remember the product.
Existing and new products both need to remind us that they exist.
Products that have been around for many years , for example Cadbury's and Coca-Cola, are always thinking up new ways to attract an audience. Established brands are in competition with cheaper, supermarket brands and they have to persuade an audience to stay with them.

The aim of any advertisement is to target a wide audience. 
Companies switch agencies in order to bring new ideas to an advertising campaign and older brands have to re-invent themselves regularly with new campaigns for new generations of consumers.

In order to attract an audience the advertisers need to consider the things that are important to the potential customer at that particular time in their life. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is useful here.


Task 1: Work in pairs. Write a short list in your orange books.
Think of some brands that have been around for a long time and have had to continue to attract audiences over a number of years.

What strategies have they introduced to to do this? For example new packaging. Give three examples.

Task 2: Work in pairs. Write a list in your orange books.
Consider how you would market three of the following products to a new audience:
  • Baby products to a male target audience
  • A performance car to women
  • Sportswear for an older audience
  • Perfume to a male target audience
  • Beer for women
  • Fizzy soft drinks for an older audience
  • Healthy snacks to children
  • Household cleaning products to men.
Consider the following.
Where you would place the target audience on Maslow's hierarchy.
Create a slogan that might appeal to that audience.
What kind of logo represents that product well.
Who would the audience like to see endorsing a product they might buy.
Would you use iconic representation?
What should the colours used in your ad symbolise?
All the visual codes.
Technical codes of lighting and framing.
Include persuasive language for your ad; bandwagon, repetition, testimonial, emotional appeal, humour rhetorical question.

Young and Rubicams 4C's is an important model used in targeting audiences.
M. A. R. S.

Task 3: Individually in orange books.
Create a print based ad mock up for a product which uses a slogan, images, persuasive language.
This is not an art exam so just indicate the characters, settings, colours. Stick men will suffice. Work quickly.

Task 4: Consider products or services that would appeal to each of the categories in Young and Rubicam's 4C's model.

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